Digital currency signal and trade

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Digital currency signal and trade

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Nowadays, many people are looking for  digital and trading signals  . In this article, we will first of all provide you with a community explanation of digital currency. After that, we will explain about the most reliable signals for trading. So stay with us until the end of this article to catch the best signals.

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What is digital currency?

Digital currencies are a special form of digital money and are based on cryptography. Among the features of this currency, we can mention its decentralization, transparency and immutability. It should be noted that blockchain is used to benefit from these mentioned features.

What does it mean to be a digital currency?

Decentralization of this currency means that no person or group manages it. Digital currencies can be transferred between users on the Internet without the need for a third party. This means that you no longer need to open an account and use banking services to send digital currencies.

What was the first digital currency?

According to many people, Bitcoin is the first digital currency, which was published in the Bitcoin Whitepaper in 2008. Of course, before this, a lot of effort was made to create a digital currency.

It is worth noting that the idea of ​​digital currencies stems from two basic problems:

  1. Trust in a third party
  2. double spend

When you use a bank to transfer money, it means that you have trusted a third party and the problem of double spending, which was solved by checking balances, prevented the person from spending money twice. In Bitcoin, these two problems prevent fraud by checking the transactions.

It can be said that Bitcoin, as the first digital currency, was able to solve the problem of trust and spending money twice. People no longer needed to refer to banks or other organizations to transfer or even keep their money and capital.

Other cryptocurrencies

Popular digital currencies that exist are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash (everything you need to know about Phantom Digital Currency! + Features).

Cryptocurrencies and how to use them

Digital currencies use different models to perform their transactions. For example, the Bitcoin digital currency uses a proof-of-work model. This type of model works in such a way that the transaction must be approved by miners or miners. Different models in blockchain system are known as consensus algorithm. It means that for a transaction to be approved or not, that transaction must be approved by the participants in the network.

Digital currency transactions are done peer-to-peer. That is, it destroys all the intermediaries in this path. The responsibility for monitoring and security of the digital currency network is carried out by nodes. For example, in the Bitcoin currency network, this task is the responsibility of the miners, but in currencies such as IAS and Tron, a vote is taken to select these nodes regarding the selection of the supervisor.

Types of digital currency

Digital currencies can be divided into two categories: altcoins and tokens. Altcoins each use their own blockchain. Of course, some of the coins are made from the original code of Bitcoin. In this market, there are other currencies such as Ethereum, Ripple, etc. who have built their own network without using bitcoin codes.

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Another type of digital currency is tokens  . In this type of currency, a separate blockchain is not created and it takes help from the Bitcoin blockchain to carry out transactions.

How to buy and sell digital currencies?

You can buy or sell digital currencies through existing Iranian online exchanges. Of course, buying and selling in Iranian exchanges requires authentication.

Digital currency signal

The Famurian Institute is a successful and active group in the field of providing trade signals, or digital signals, in the field of digital currencies. The best digital currency analysis  is done in this institution. In this collection, it allows its users to use the signals that it provides to those who do not have enough knowledge to trade and who have just been introduced to this market. The signals provided by the experts of this collection are announced to the users using detailed analysis of the day, which is called  signal trade  .

All  digital currency signals  provided on this site indicate the entry and exit point and the amount of your profit. If you don’t have enough time for analysis or you are not specialized in this work, instead of such profits, you may get a lot of losses. So, it is better and more logical to leave this profitable work to Bitront specialists.

Read more: Digital currency training

How to read digital currency signal

Examples of trade signals are as follows:


Buy: 0.291

Target: 0.3



Stop limit: 0.2

How to read this type of signal is as follows:

This signal is issued to buy SLP/USDT currency. To buy this signal, 0.291 purchase price is included. Target means target. It means that this currency has risen above the price of 0.291 and reached the next three goals mentioned. Comes with market analysis. Of course, Bitront’s suggestion is that people who have just entered the digital currency market should set their goals on targets 1 and 2. An important point that both beginners and professional users should observe is to pay attention to the stop limit.

This means that if the given signal is not realized for any reason and the price of the currency takes into account the downward trend, when it reaches the stop limit price, sell the amount of the purchased currency to avoid further losses. It should be noted that when you see the downward trend of the currency price, do not sell it, because the specified loss limit has been obtained based on the calculations, and if you reach the Stop limit price, then sell the currency.

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An important point in the digital currency signal

The signals provided in various markets do not have a 100% chance of success, but if you pay enough attention to the stop limit point in transactions and buy and sell in time according to the signal provided, you will have a significant monthly profit. Bittorrent Institute has presented Telegram digital currency signal to you Oziran.

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